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7 June, 2024 The MSC responds to the latest State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture report from the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), which showed a 2.3% increase in overfished stocks


The UN's Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) released its latest State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture report at the 'Immersed in Change' event in Costa Rica. Reacting to the report, which showed a 2.3% increase in overfished stocks, Erika Feller, Regional Director for the Marine Stewardship Council, who was in Costa Rica, said:



“Urgent action is needed to reverse this troubling trend.  Overfishing presents a major threat to people and the planet, compromising food security and ocean biodiversity. 


“Even more concerning is the fact that the percentage of landings coming from stocks considered by the FAO to be sustainably fished has dropped to 77%, a decrease of over 5 percentage points compared to two years previous.


“The necessity for well-managed fisheries is more urgent than ever, given the profound effects that climate change is having on the ocean, with warming waters having a lasting impact on marine biodiversity.

“We know what works: science-based management regimes, rules that limit how much of a certain stock can be caught, and ending illegal, unregulated and unreported fishing.  

“We must redouble our efforts.  Governments, fisheries, scientists, NGOs, retailers and consumers must work together to end overfishing.”