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Curriculum-linked lesson plans and learning ideas for geography and science classrooms. Each lesson includes links to supporting resources such as film clips, worksheets or activities.

MSC World Ocean Day 2021 Teacher's Guide
Description: How do we get the balance right between life and livelihoods? This World Ocean Day, learners aged 12+ can investigate this big question, critically evaluating a variety of sources, data and perspectives to help them develop their viewpoint.
Date of issue: 17 May 2021
Download download file PDF - 7 MB
Lesson plan: Why do we need the ocean?
Description: A 25-40 minute lesson for learners age 10+ in geography or science. Learners focus on why we need the ocean and examine some of the pressures on it from fishing.
Date of issue: 06 September 2019
Download download file PDF - 1 MB
Lesson plan: Marine food webs and overfishing
Description: For learners aged 10+ in Science. Learners make links between our own food choices and the ocean ecosystem.
Date of issue: 31 March 2020
Download download file PDF - 4 MB
Lesson plan: Using the ocean's resources responsibly
Description: A lesson for learners aged 10+ in Geography, focusing on how people use, modify and change the ocean ecosystem to obtain food, as well as examining some of the key aspects of sustainability for our oceans.
Date of issue: 15 November 2018
Download download file PDF - 2 MB
MSC Lesson - Ocean Sustainability: What does it really mean?
Description: Learners reflect on what ‘sustainable’ means to them and come up with their own responses or a definition. Includes group game for understanding sustainability in practice.
Date of issue: 31 March 2020
Download download file PDF - 4 MB
Ocean Sustainability teachers PowerPoint
Date of issue: 31 March 2020
Download download file PPTX - 4 MB

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Kahoot quizzes

Kahoot quizzes

Take a dive into a topic, or assess learners’ knowledge and understanding with our quizzes. Designed to support our learning materials or to be used on their own.

Interactive story

Interactive story

Explore how to end overfishing with our interactive story – it comes with activities for learners, suggested lesson plans and a technical guide.

Learning resources

Learning resources

Browse our full selection of activities and resources, focussed on ocean literacy, solutions to overfishing and how we can ensure oceans teeming with life.