The Recertification Assistance Fund rewards fisheries that have shown a substantial commitment to the MSC program and sustainability.
What is the Recertification Assistance Fund?
MSC certified fisheries can apply for funding following their second or subsequent recertification and once the Public Certification Report (PCR) has been issued.
The fund helps MSC certified fisheries with the cost of Conformity Assessment Body (CAB) fees for recertification audits.
Recertification Assistance Fund grants are calculated in proportion to the applicant's assessment fee costs.
Available funding
Up to £30,000
or 75% of the CAB's reassessment costs, whichever is lowest
Duration of funding
one-off payment
Deadline for applications
within 12 months of publication of a Public Certification Report following a second or subsequent recertification
How to apply
If you are unsure who your representative is, you can email our Ocean Stewardship Fund team.
Date of issue: | 03 September 2024 |
Previous grant recipients
Expand the sections below to view the previous Recertification Assistance Fund grant recipients. All recipient fisheries were recertified at the time of review.
Certificate holder: Metlakatla Indian Community
Australia Heard Island and McDonald Islands toothfish & icefish
Certificate holder: Austral Fisheries Pty Ltd, Australian Longline Pty Ltd
Australia Northern prawn
Certificate holder: Northern Prawn Fishery Industry Pty Ltd
Australia western rock lobster
Certificate holder: Western Rock Lobster Council
Canada northern and striped shrimp
Certificate holder: Canadian Association of Prawn Producers (CAPP)
Clearwater Seafoods Eastern Canadian Offshore Clam
Certificate holder: Clearwater Seafoods Limited Partnership
Compagnie des Pêches de St Malo and Euronor Northeast Arctic cod and haddock fishery
Certificate holder: La Compagnie des Pêches Saint-Malo, Euronor
Limfjord blue shell mussel (rope grown)
Certificate holder: Vilsund Blue A/S
Macquarie Island (MI) toothfish
Certificate holder: Austral Fisheries Pty Ltd, Australian Longline Pty Ltd
Maldives pole & line skipjack tuna
Certificate holder: Maldives Seafood Processors and Exporters Association (MSPEA)
Patagonian scallop (Zygochlamys patagonica) bottom otter trawl fishery
Certificate holder: Glaciar Pesquera S.A., Wanchese Argentina S.R.L.
PFA, SPSG, SPFPO, DFPO and DPPO North Sea Herring
Certificate holder: Pelagic Freezer Trawler Association (PFA), Danmarks Fiskeriforening Producent Organisation (DFPO), Swedish Pelagic Federation Producers Organisation (SPFPO), Danmarks Pelagiske Producentorganisation (DPPO), The Scottish Pelagic Sustainability Group Ltd. (SPSG)
Shetland & Scottish Mainland Rope Grown mussel Enhanced Fishery
Certificate holder: Seafood Shetland, Scottish Shellfish Marketing Group Ltd
Small Pelagics Fishery in Sonora, Gulf of California
Certificate holder: Camara Nacional de la Industria Pesquera
South Australia Lakes and Coorong pipi
Certificate holder: Southern Fishermen's Association Australia, Goolwa Pipi Co
Suriname Atlantic seabob shrimp
Certificate holder: Heiploeg International BV
UK Fisheries Ltd/DFFU/Doggerbank Northeast Arctic cod, haddock and saithe
Certificate holder: UK Fisheries Ltd, Deutsche Fischfang-Union GmbH & Co. KG (DFFU), Doggerbank Seefischerei GmbH
US West Coast pink shrimp (Pandalus jordani) trawl fishery
Certificate holder: Oregon Trawl Commission, Pacific Seafood
Canada Scotia-Fundy haddock fishery
• Certificate holder: Atlantic Groundfish Council
Cornwall sardine fishery
• Certificate holder: Cornish Sardine Management Association
Ekofish Group and Osprey Trawlers North Sea Twin-rigged Plaice fishery
• Certificate holder: Ekofish Group BV
Ekofish Group and Osprey Trawlers North Sea Twin-rigged Plaice fishery
• Certificate holder: Osprey Group BV
Mexico Baja California red rock lobster fishery
• Certificate holder: Federación Regional de Sociedades Cooperativas de la Industria Pesquera Baja California, FCL (FEDECOOP)
Norway North East Arctic cod offshore (>12nm) fishery
• Certificate holder: Norwegian Fishermen’s Association (NFA)
Norway North East Arctic haddock offshore (>12nm) fishery
• Certificate holder: Norwegian Fishermen’s Association (NFA)
Scapeche, Euronor and Compagnie des Peches de St Malo saithe fishery
• Certificate holder: Comptoir des Pêches d'Europe du Nord (Euronor), La Compagnie des Pêches Saint-Malo, Société Centrale des Armements des Mousquetaires à la pêche (Scapêche)
SFSAG Northern Demersal Stocks fishery
• Certificate holder: Scottish Fisheries Sustainable Accreditation Group (SFSAG)
- Spencer Gulf King prawn fishery
Certificate holder: Spencer Gulf & West Coast Prawn Fishermen’s Association Inc. - US North Pacific halibut and sablefish
Certificate holder: Fishing Vessel Owners’ Association (FVOA) - Eat on the Wild Side - Netherlands blue shell mussel (translocation bottom & cultured fishery)
Certificate holders: Vereniging Producentenorganisatie van de Nederlandse Mosselcultuur (Dutch PO Mussel Culture), the Zeeuwse Hangcultuurkwekers and Vereniging van Importeurs van Schelpdieren - South Georgia Icefish Pelagic Trawl
Certificate holder: Polar Seafish Ltd.
- Gulf of St Lawrence northern shrimp trawl fishery
Certificate holders: L’Association Québécoise de l’Industrie de la Pêche (AQIP), L’Association Coopérative des Pêcheurs de L’îIle Ltée, Association of Seafood Producers Inc. (ASP), Produits Belle-Baie Ltée - Canada Highly Migratory Species Foundation (CHMSF) British Columbia Albacore Tuna North Pacific
Certificate holder: Canadian Highly Migratory Species Foundation (CHMSF) - Norway North Sea herring
Certificate holder: Norwegian Fishermen’s Association - Norway Spring Spawning herring
Certificate holder: Norwegian Fishermen’s Association - OCI Grand Bank yellowtail flounder trawl fishery
Certificate holder: Ocean Choice International - Ross Sea toothfish longline fishery
Certificate holder: Silvifish Resources Ltd. - Eastern Canada Offshore Scallop
Certificate holder: Seafood Producers Association of Nova Scotia - BSAI and GOA flatfish
Certificate holder: Alaska Seafood Cooperative - BSAI and GOA Pacific cod
Certificate holder: Alaska Fisheries Development Foundation
- Pacific hake midwater trawl fishery
Certificate holders: Pacific Whiting Conservation Cooperative (U.S.A), Oregon Trawl Commission and Association of Pacific Hake Fishermen (Canada). - Canada scotian shelf northern prawn trawl
Certificate holders: Association of Seafood Producers Inc, L’Association coopérative des pêcheurs de l'Île (ACPI) and Northsyde Processing Ltd.
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Ocean Stewardship Fund
Providing grants for fishery improvements and research into bycatch reduction, protecting marine habitats, and the effects of climate change

The MSC Fisheries Standard version 3.0
The new version of our Standard features better protections for marine life, as well as stronger fisheries management and compliance requirements.

Our Science and Research
Our science and research collaborations help ensure our Standard development reflects the latest scientific understanding.