Our technical consultants register lists experts who can provide services to fisheries as they work towards meeting the MSC Fisheries Standard.
What is the technical consultants register?
Our technical consultants register lists experts who understand the requirements of the MSC Fisheries Standard. They can help with:
- Conducting a gap analysis of fishery performance against the Fisheries Standard
- Developing and assisting in the implementation of a fisheries improvement action plan
- Managing MSC assessments or liaising between the fishery and certification body.
Individuals in the register are listed as either a technical consultant or associate technical consultant. Technical consultants have a greater level of practical experience in the application of the MSC Fisheries Standard from participating in MSC assessments or surveillance audits. Associate technical consultants have completed comprehensive training in the MSC Fisheries Standard but have not been part of an assessment team.
Find a technical consultant
Name/email | Organisation | Country | Description of experience |
David Japp | Capricorn Fisheries Monitoring cc (CapFish cc) | South Africa | Fisheries specialist based in Cape Town, South Africa. Works extensively in the African and Indian Ocean regions. Undertakes fisheries project management development with the World Bank and FAO. Specializes in demersal, pelagic, and small-scale fisheries. An MSC assessor for P2 and P3. English-speaking with knowledge of regional African languages and culture. |
Duncan Leadbitter | Fish Matter Pty Ltd. | Australia | Sustainability assessment, policy development. Primarily Asia and Australaisa/Pacific fisheries. MSC pre-assessments, FIPs and peer reviews, policy documents. Habitats, ecosystems and ETP species, multispecies fisheries. |
Fiona Nimmo | Poseidon Aquatic Resource Management Ltd. | United Kingdom | Principle 2 assessor - full and pre assessments, and FIPs across UK, Europe, Iceland and Asia. Worked across a range of species, (pelagic and demersal finfish and shellfish), and a range of gears (dredge, trawl, traps, gill nets) including complex multi-UoA assessments. Fisheries management, environmental interactions, environmental assessments and sustainable development. |
Graeme Parkes | MRAG Americas | USA | Fisheries resource assessment, marine fisheries development, resource survey, fisheries development policy and strategic planning. Worldwide experience. Team Leader. Groundfish, HMS, P1. |
Jo Gascoigne | Independent consultant | United Kingdom | MSC qualified for P1 assessments - tuna and invertebrates, P2 - all fisheries; global experience of MSC work since 2007 and FIPs since 2014; English and French. |
Kevin Stokes | Independent consultant | New Zealand | Worked on and managed projects spanning a wide range of species and geographical areas. Expertise across all MSC Principles and has worked extensively with multiple CABs and the MSC. Experience spans science and management with government, industry and NGOs. Experience working with government and industry and in multi-stakeholder settings. |
Paul Medley | Independent fisheries scientist | United Kingdom | Mainly Indian Ocean, Caribbean and Pacific Ocean working on tropical developing country fisheries. Primarily involved in Principle 1, but undertake work related to all three principles. Have undertaken FIPs, and have had the lead role in conducting stock assessments and advising on harvest strategies. Worked on a wide variety of pelagic, demersal and shellfish fisheries. |
Richard Banks | Poseidon Aquatic Resource Management Ltd. | Australia | South Asia, East Asia - Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, India, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Australia, New Zealand, Pacific Islands. Undertaken assessments and FIPs in tuna, shrimp trawl, snapper, grouper, blue swimming crab, clams, oysters, orange roughy and small pelagics. Qualified Team Leader ISO 9001, P3 specialist and qualified in the RBF. English speaker, working knowledge of French. |
Rich Lincoln | Ocean Outcomes (O2) | USA | Diverse experience in a wide range of jurisdictions, species and geographies: marine and freshwater fisheries management, research, policy, third-party certification, fishery assessments, and fishery improvement gap analyses, work plan design and detailed project management. Extensive experience with technical oversight, client support and stakeholder engagement for the MSC Fisheries Standard and assessments. |
Rob Blyth-Skyrme | Ichthys Marine Ecological Consulting Ltd. | United Kingdom | Fisheries science, management and policy specialist, and a very experienced MSC assessor covering assessments and pre-assessments for groundfish, shellfish, HMS and freshwater species, globally. MSC Capacity Building Trainer who delivered training in India and South Africa recently (in English), and a long-standing member of the MSC's Peer Review College. |
Rod Cappell | Poseidon Aquatic Resource Management Ltd. | United Kingdom | Over 12 years experience in MSC assessment as a team leader and P3 expert. Experienced in the use of the RBF. Part of assessment teams, often as team leader, for 20 certified fisheries and pre-assessments of demersal, pelagic, shellfish and enhanced bivalve fisheries throughout Europe and further afield. Also working with FIPs in the UK, Europe and China. |
Tim Huntington | Poseidon Aquatic Resource Management Ltd. | United Kingdom | Fisheries biologist with world-wide experience. Mainly focused on P2 and P3. Can assist with pre-assessments, FIPs, full assessments and surveillance audits. Main interests are in tuna and groundfish but interested in all fisheries. English mother tongue (no other working languages). |
Tristan Southall | Inmara Ltd. | United Kingdom | Experienced MSC assessor (P3 and P2) and fisheries consultant. MSC assessments in Europe, Africa, central America on wide variety of fisheries. Involved in developing MSC project pre-assessment (projects in UK, EU, Australia, Japan). Experienced with Risk-based framework. Regularly teaches on MSC capacity building courses. Based in Scotland. Fluent in English. Reasonable conversational French. |
Rob Wakeford | MRAG Ltd. | United Kingdom | Expertise in fisheries science and management. Wide geographic experience in Caribbean, Africa, and SE Asian countries. Species: lobster, conch, sea cucumber and complex multi-species fish fisheries. Team leader for FIPs, scoping documents and action plans; annual FIP reviews, full MSC assessments and annual surveillance audits. Specialist area is P1. |
Sophie des Clers | Greenfisher Consultants | France | Fisheries public and business policy, economics and management. Experienced project identification, monitoring and evaluation Team Leader and Team member. MSC pre-evaluations, FIP, certification and surveillance audits, specialising in P3 (Fisheries governance and management systems) since 2008. MSC Level 3 French-speaking Trainer since 2019. Fluent English and French, good understanding of Spanish. |
Vineetha Aravind | Independent consultant | India | Consultant, 4.5 years of research experience in mariculture in India. Experienced in teaching and facilitation techniques. MSC Level 3 training in 2018 and Fishery Team Leader course in 2019. MSC pre-assessment in Kerala State, and coordinating FIPs for several species, including Karrakadi shrimp, Poovalan shrimp, octopus, squid, and cuttlefish. Advisor for Blue swimming crab FIP in India. |
Jose Peiro Crespo | Naunet Fisheries Consultants | United Kingdom | Marine biologist, experience in Europe, Northwest Africa, East Africa, Indian Ocean, Canada, USA, South America. Project management. P1, P2, ETP species, fisheries management and seafood market access. Cephalopod and tuna fisheries. Working languages: Spanish, Catalan, Portuguese, English, French. Member of MSC Peer Review College. |
Jocelyn Drugan | Ocean Outcomes | USA | Extensive experience in fisheries, biology, seafood, policy and conservation. Strong track record developing/conducting environmental assessments and providing technical support for FIPs. Regional experience spans countries across northeast Asia and the Americas. Performance with economically important species (salmon, tunas, bivalves, squid, crab, etc.). Languages: English, Japanese and Mandarin Chinese. |
Johanna Pierre | JPEC Ltd | New Zealand | Work includes research, management, and policy focused on sustainability, traceability, and the environmental effects of fishing. Experienced with MSC pre- and full assessments, peer reviews and surveillance audits. Certified MSC fishery team member, team leader, Chain of Custody auditor, and Peer Review College member. |
Chrissie Sieben | Independent consultant | United Kingdom | English, French and Dutch speaking consultant with expertise in analysis of fisheries ecosystem impacts and management of tuna, small pelagic and demersal fisheries worldwide for full assessments and FIPs. Skilled project manager, MSC Team leader and Principle 2 assessor and former MSC fisheries scheme manager for Control Union UK Ltd. |
Peter Trott | FishListic | Australia | 20 years’ experience in fisheries management, resource sharing, ecosystem principles, project management, seafood markets, supply chains and traceability. MSC CoC, P2, P3, RBF, team-leader, program manager. SA8000 social auditor, ISO19011-2018 accredited. Expertise in pre-and full assessment, gap analysis, audits, standards development. MSC fishery certifications in Australia, New Zealand, SE Asia, Indo-Pacific, Brazil, Japan, South Korea. |
Kat Collinson | Independent | United Kingdom | MSC CoC auditor since 2011. MSC fisheries assessor since 2012. MSC pre- and full assessments, team leader, P2 assessor. Including tuna in the Pacific and Indian Oceans, bivalves in Europe and Vietnam, and small pelagics and demersal whitefish in Europe and Bahamas spiny lobster fishery. |
Yoko Tamura | Global Marine Consulting | Japan | About 20 years of fisheries and ecosystem consulting experience in global / local settings. Engaged from Japan’s 1st MSC certification with experiences in MSC full and pre-assessments, surveillance, FIP 3rd-party auditing, MSC-ASC seaweed certification, FIP projects. Expertise covers MSC principle 2 and 3 and speaks Japanese and English. |
Randolph Ericksen | RP Ericksen Consulting | United States | Has 35 years of experience in fish stock assessments, fisheries management and international fisheries sustainability. Has worked with salmon, groundfish and shellfish fisheries in North America and Russia. Has experience conducting MSC pre-assessments and providing technical advice and support for credible FIPs. Native language is English. |
Gladys Okemwa | Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute | Kenya | Over 25 years of experience in fisheries research, management and conservation focusing on fisheries biology and ecology, fisheries management, policy development both nationally and regionally. She is also interested in threatened and endangered species that interact with fisheries. |
Carola Kirchner | Independent Fisheries Consultant | Namibia | Fisheries management and stock assessment experience in tuna, deep-water, demersal, midwater and pelagic species. Based in Namibia. Western Central Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean, Atlantic Ocean. Work as a national project coordinator (Climate Change project). All fish species and all types of fisheries. |
Stewart Norman | Capricorn Marine Environmental Ltd | South Africa | MD and fisheries observer program manager for CapMarine in South Africa. Project Management experience with tuna-tagging studies and observer training programs with ICCAT and IOTC. Experience working with African government fishery authorities, industry and NGOs. MSc degree in tuna ecology and MSC P2 assessor specializing in tuna pole & line and longline fisheries. |
Lisa Borges | FishFix | Portugal | Dr Borges has experience in FIPs in Europe and Sri Lanka (tuna), MSC assessments of European demersal and pelagic species & fisheries, pre-assessments in Europe and West Africa (fish & shellfish fisheries). She is mainly a P1 expert, but has also carried out P2 and P3 assessments. Speaks four languages: Portuguese (mother tongue), English, Spanish and French. |
Heri Heri | Independent | Indonesia | Working in FIPs since 2015, from development and implementation in Indonesia, FIP Coordinator, seafood traceability and sustainability, supply chain and gap analysis, working in tuna fishery for years, baitfish research and training, MSC level 3 training in 2020, P3 team member, MSC Pre-Assessment, fishery consultant, language English and Bahasa Indonesia. |
Department of Marine Sciences and Applied Biology, University of Alicante | Spain | Fisheries scientist with experience on evaluation of management measures applied to fisheries. Fisheries management especially multi-species, demersal fisheries of Mediterranean Sea, trawl selectivity, Red Sea fisheries and MPAs. Also has experience as MSC P3 assessor in many assessments in Russia and Estonia. | |
Charlotte Tindall | Charlotte Tindall Sustainable Fisheries | UK | International fisheries consultant with 20 years’ experience addressing environmental, economic and social fishery issues. Principle 2 assessor: assessments, audits, FIP review and member of MSC Peer Review College. Experience in UK, Europe, Africa, Middle East, Caribbean. Fisheries management, environmental indicators, social and labour issues, economic analysis, policy and governance improvements. |
Ilham Alhaq | Indonesia Pole & line and Handline Fisheries Association (AP2HI) | Indonesia | MSC Level 3 CBT, Fishery Team Member, MSC Pre-Assessment, & Internal Auditor. Seafood Industry Traceability, Sustainability, Branding & Communication. Leveraging Private Engagement. Auditee of MSC Fishery Certification. Baitfish research, data collection & training. Fisheryprogress & social adopter program updater. Based in Indonesia. Language: English and Bahasa Indonesia. |
Cheikh Inejih | Independent Consultant | Mauritania | Fishery scientist for more than 20 years (biology and stock assessment) and independent expert since 2006, with large African working experience (Fishery management plans, projects coordination and evaluations, Biodiversity conservation and MPA governance). |
Geir Hønneland | Independent Consultant | Norway | Experienced MSC Team Leader, trained in fisheries governance and the law of the sea, with background from the Norwegian Coast Guard and policy research. Has since 2009 undertaken a large number of MSC assessments in the North Atlantic, the North Pacific and the Southern Ocean. Speaks Scandinavian, English, German and Russian. |
Giuseppe Scarcella | GC - Marine Environmental Consultancy and Certification | Italy/ Cyprus | Scientist with strong background stock assessment and fishery management. Involved in projects on various stocks. Adept at applying expertise in all MSC Principles and collaborating with multiple CABs. Possesses experience in both scientific research and project management, working with government agencies, industry partners and permanent staff of public research institute. |
Andy Bystrom | Lateral Line Environmental | United States | P2, P3, Lead assessor for 45+ MSC (including ITM) assessments. Member of MSC Peer Review College. FIP progress reviewer. Fair Trade Capture Fisheries Standard lead auditor, social auditor. Fluent languages: English, Spanish. Fisheries of expertise: Tuna, small pelagics, lobster, shrimp, groundfish, squid. Regions of expertise: Asia, Latin America, North America. |
Deirdre Hoare | Independent Consultant | Ireland | Expert in fisheries sustainability with over 15 years of experience addressing environmental, economic, and social fishery issues. Technical expert on FIPs and assessments for artisanal, industrial, demersal, pelagic and multispecies fisheries worldwide. Principle 2 assessor, FIP review and member of the MSC Peer Review College. Experienced in use of the RBF. |
An associate technical consultant has had comprehensive training, but has not been part of a full MSC assessment or surveillance team.
Name/email | Organisation | Country | Description of experience |
Patricia Livingston | Ecologists Without Borders | USA | Fisheries ecologist with extensive experience in ecosystem modelling, developing data sampling programs and provision of scientific advice. Ecologists Without Borders is a non-profit organisation that is able to offer free technical support to FIPs that are financially unable to afford the typical consultancy fees. Based in the USA. |
Samuel Peacock | Peacock Marine | United Kingdom | Fisheries certification consultant with experience in Europe, North and South America, and South-East Asia. Involved in certification projects at all levels of the fisheries supply chain. Particular focus in reduction / small pelagic fisheries. |
Ernesto Godelman | CeDePesca | Panama | Specialist in marine fisheries management and research, consulting experience. Development of FIPs since 2007 in Latin America, Caribbean, SE Asia. Pre-assessments, project coordination, use of MSC tools, RBF. Founder and chairman of FIP runner organization CeDePesca. Fluent in English, Spanish, Portuguese. |
Stuart Green | BlueGreen Advisors | United Kingdom | Marine science and policy, > 25 years of technical and scientific experience, SSF management work, residency in the Asia-Pacific region. Covered most commercial and food security fisheries across the tropical ecosystem (mollusk, invertebrate, coral reef fisheries, offshore fisheries, small pelagics, tunas). Governance systems from the community to national policy, more inclined towards P3. Cross-cultural work in all SE Asia cultures. Filipino, basic Indonesian, English languages. |
Carmen Guerrero Azañedo | Centro Desarrollo y Pesca Sustentable (CeDePesca) | Peru | Qualified environmental lawyer with 10 years of experience as Director of CeDePesca in Peru. Focused on sustainable fisheries management with an ecosystem-based approach and fisheries improvement projects. Holds Postgraduate degree in extrajudicial conciliation, negotiation, mediation and facilitation of social conflicts. Specialization studies in socio-environmental conflict resolution, and works developed in governance, political and public management. |
Rochelle Cruz | CeDePesca | Brazil | Director of CeDePesca in Brazil. Graduated in Fisheries Engineering, role includes building partnerships with government agencies, universities, fishermen, fishing industries and NGOs interested in achieving the sustainability of lobster fishing. Develop, implement and monitor fisheries improvement projects. Fluent in Portuguese and intermediate Spanish. |
Pablo Álvares Morales | Independent | Mexico | Mexico northwest coast. Barred Sand Bass, Chocolate Clam, Mixed-finfish fishery, Octopus, Red Rock Lobster, Red Sea Urchin, and White Snook. FIPs coordinator; all these FIPs are pre-assessed with MSC standard and two of them with the main objetive to be certified. Fishing community development, natural resource management, land planning. Spanish (native) and English languages. |
Minerva Alonso | CeDePesca | Mexico | Mexican fisheries. Project manager for grouper, blue crab and geoduck FIPs and projects including its implementation. Worked mainly in artisanal fisheries with MSC requirements on Principles 2 and 3. Fully bilingual (English and Spanish). |
Grazzia Matamoros | Independent Consultant | Sweden | Marine sustainability consultant with experience in fisheries management and marine conservation in Central America and Sweden. Coordination, planning, and implementation of FIPs (species: Caribbean spiny lobster – Panulirus argus – artisanal and industrial fisheries). Expertise in effective fisheries management. Fluent in Spanish, English and Swedish. |
Nicolás Rovegno | WWF Perú | Perú | Peruvian fisheries engineer and Masters in Marine Science candidate. Has experience working at NGOs, as an onboard observer, and fisheries consultant. Has been involved with artisanal fisheries, traceability, FIPs, training and capacity building for fishers, among others. Fluent in Spanish and English. |
Makoto Suzuki | Independent consultant, Japan Fisheries Certification Support | Japan | Involved in MSC and FIP projects in Japan, MSC P2 auditor, FIP provider, member of a fishery client. Extensive knowledge and experience in all aspects of fisheries, from tuna fishing to seaweed farming, from pole and line fishing and oyster farming single line fishing to larger scale purse seine fisheries. Japanese speaker, fluent English, basic Chinese. |
Mark Soboil | EcoWB.org | USA | Works with SSF and fishing communities to become more sustainable and profitable. Specializes in FIPs to improve SSF. Technical assessments of fishery status; prescribed actions to improve the efficiency, economic viability, and sustainability of that fishery; and training and support in implementing those actions. Seafood traceability and transparency in tradeable quota markets. Micronesia, New Zealand. |
Kenneth Hutchings | Anchor Environmental Consultants | South Africa | Has 20 years experience in Africa. Project management of fishery and aquaculture projects, life-history analyses, stock status, observer programs, socio-economic assessments. Hand (abalone), line (multi species), pole (tuna), gill net (mullet and sharks), beach seine (multispecies), trap (rock lobster), longline (demersal hake), trawl (demersal hake and bycatch) and purse-seine (Clupeids). English and Afrikaans and has working knowledge of IsiXhosa. |
Francisco Fernández | Comunidad y Biodiversidad A.C. (COBI) | Mexico | Has over 15 years of experience in developing and implementing projects for marine conservation and sustainable fisheries in Mexico. Has been involved in the implementation of FIPs (preassessment and workplan) and improvements for clams, penshell, squid, and finfish fisheries. Fluent in Spanish and English. |
Bernado Sanchez | EcoWB | Mexico | Marine Biologist with a MSc in Marine Resources Management. Since 2009 he has worked on marine conservation and sustainable fishery projects, related to small scale finfish fisheries (including shark and rays) and fishers’ communities. Focused in the Mexican Pacific. Sustainable fisheries, data collection and analysis, capacity building, and implementation of sustainability standards. |
Elisabeth Day | Independent consultant | Madagascar | Liz has close to six years experience in working on fisheries governance projects. Including in depth analysis of fisheries legal frameworks of West African coastal and flag states operating within these in order to combat IUU. She spearheaded the development of an octopus FIP in South West Madagascar. |
Raul Lara | Instituto Nacional de Pesca y Acuacultura (INAPESCA) | Mexico | Expertise in fishery stock assessments in the Gulf of Mexico and Mexican Pacific, develops research on biology, fisheries, ecological risk analysis, population dynamics and management. He has worked in different institutions (government, academy and NGOs) to develop fishery management plans. |
Ivan Tovar | Ocean Outcomes | USA | Involved in projects to improve sustainable fisheries, field work onboard shrimp trawlers, SSF vessels and research vessels, implementation of improvement plans in SSF in Mexico. Supporting the creation of improvement plans following the MSC standard. Rapid assessments in fisheries in Latin America and a Suriname fishery. Supervision of correct performance of Ocean Outcomes’ FIPs around the world. |
Fenjie Chen | Ocean Outcomes | China | Expertise in fisheries management and research, fisheries assessment, seafood education, FIP. Working area focuses on China and NE Asian countries. Experienced in tuna, shellfish, cephalopods fisheries assessments. MSC Fishery team member and incline to P2 and P3 assessments. Native in Mandarin, working languages also include English and Japanese. |
Ernesto Gastelum | Comunidad y Biodiversidad A.C. (COBI) | Mexico | For the last 7 years, I have been responsible for two Fishery Improvement Projects (FIP), integrating tools for conservation and management of the clams’ fishery in Puerto Libertad. I have also participated in the establishment of marine reserves and no-take fishing zones; as well as in Integrated coastal management for the use and recovery of penshell (Atrina tuberculosa) in the Midriff Islands Region, Gulf of California. |
Alvin Suarez | Pacific Alliance for Sustainable Tuna | Mexico | Marine biologist, sustainable fisheries and wildlife conservation consultant. 19 years of research experience in marine ecology, fisheries and conservation science in México. Since 2013, works on sustainable fisheries (northeastern tropical Pacific purse-seine yellowfin and skipjack tuna fishery) and marine biodiversity conservation projects (design, management and establishment of MPAs) related with industrial fisheries and SSF, and fisher’s communities. |
Tom Evans | Key Traceability | UK | Fisheries Consultant with experience in large pelagics in all geographical areas. Expertise across all MSC Principles and has worked extensively with Fishery Improvement Projects. Experience spans working with all elements of the supply chain including government, industry and NGOs delivering preassessments, workplans and implementing these projects. |
Wildan | Independent consultant | Indonesia | Working on FIPs and MSC certification since 2014. Specialize in implementation of small-scale fisheries in Indonesia. Expertise includes pelagic data collection, harvest strategy development, co-management, traceability, capacity building for fishers-middleman-processors. Extensive experience with local and national government. Languages: Bahasa Indonesia and English. |
Ledhyane Ika Harlyan | Brawijaya University | Indonesia | Fisheries scientist with over 17 years of research experience in fisheries science and management, especially for tropical multispecies and multi-gear fisheries. Developing harvest control rules for data-limited fisheries. Also, involved in some projects related to sustainable fisheries, data collection, and analysis. Languages: English and Indonesian. |
Nanda Agung Pratama | Independent | Indonesia | MSC Coc auditor since 2015, Management system and Traceability system. Trained for MSC lev.2 (capacity building), Fishery team member for P3, experience on MSC pre-assessment (for P3). Trained for SA8000 (social aspect), ISO 9001/14001 and ISO 19011 (auditor guidance). Working knowledge: Bahasa Indonesia (native), English, and little bit know Malayu/Malay. |
Antonio Gomez | Independent | Mexico | MS Marine ecologist and MS in Oceanography and Marine Environment Management working in Fishery Improvement Projects since 2015. Experience in project management, design, and implementation of finfish FIPs and fishery management and governance assessment in Mexico. Latin America FIP Community of Practice Coordinator. Fluent in Spanish and English |
Isadora Moniz | OPAGAC-AGAC | Spain | Marine biologist (MSc in Marine Environment and Resources), with experience in experimental ecology in Atlantic and Pacific regions. Work as a consultant/project coordinator in tuna fisheries sustainability (mostly linked to P2) for the last 5 years. Coordinated 4 FIPs. Fluent in Portuguese (mother tongue), English and Spanish. |
Faridz Fachri | Independent | Indonesia | Experienced in marine and fisheries projects for SSF improvement through FIP > 7 years of work with expertise in ecosystem principles, fisheries governance, supply chain, traceability, and co-management. Focused on varied tropical commodities; crustacean, bivalve, anguillid eel, octopus, tropical multi-species, and multi-gear fisheries. Language: English and Bahasa Indonesia |
Lorena Rocha | Comunidad y Biodiversidad A.C. (COBI) | Mexico | Marine biologist with wide experience working closely with fishing communities in Mexico, in the development and implementation of conservation tools and projects for sustainable fishing. FIP lead, and supervisor of the FIPs that COBI leads. User of MSC standard, as well as developer of action plans with a focus on governance, equitable financial contributions from stakeholders, and compliance. |
A. Riza Baroqi | Yayasan Masyarakat Dan Perikanan Indonesia (MDPI) | Indonesia | Works with SSF Tuna fisheries from 2014. Experience working with all tuna stakeholder’s elements, such as Government, Private sector, Middleman, fishers, academia and NGOs. Focused in Eastern Indonesia. Sustainable fisheries, data collection, capacity building, traceability, fisheries Governance and Co-Management. Languages: Bahasa Indonesia and English |
Alesa Flores | Comunidad y Biodiversidad A.C. (COBI) | Mexico | MSc in Marine Ecology. Nine years working with Mexican SSF and four implementing and developing actions plans for finfish FIPs in Mexico. Coordinator of the Social Policy implementation for FIPs that COBI leads. Strengthening capacities and collaborative work with fishing communities, governments, NGOs, and markets. Fluent in Spanish and English. |
Raziel Hernández | Comunidad y Biodiversidad A.C. (COBI) | Mexico | Marine biologist involved in designing and implementing marine conservation and fisheries management tools in small-scale fisheries of Mexican coastal communities sice 2017. Participation in FIP development for finfish and “enhanced” fishery aproach for bivalves (pre-evaluation, work plan, and improvements) and promote alliance building capacities through intersectoral work in the fishery's value chain. |
Marco Polo Barajas | Comunidad y Biodiversidad A.C. (COBI) | Mexico | Marine Biologist with a MSc in Coastal Zone Management. With 12 years of experience implementing sustainable fisheries. I have been coordinating the On-Board Observer Program in the Small Pelagic Fishery in Sonora. Im currently collaborating in the implementation of the Yucatan Octopus FIP Action Plan and Im responsible for incorporating technological tools for fishing monitoring. |
Andini Kusumasari | Sahabat Laut Lestari | Indonesia | Having actively engaged with small-scale fisheries and fishing communities since 2014, by establishing a multi-stakeholder approach. This approach involves industries, government bodies, academia, and other private sectors in order to promote sustainable fisheries practices including empower small-scale fisheries as key contributors within the sustainable fisheries ecosystem. |
Carlos Iván Pérez | COSOREMA | Mexico | Dr. in marine sciences with more than 10 years of experience in sustainable fisheries. Founder and CEO of COSOREMA based in Sinaloa, Mexico. Worked in Mexican fisheries advising or managing different FIPs all evaluated with the 28 MSC indicators. Experience working in fisheries in Latin America and Australia. I speak native Spanish and English. |
Duranta Kembaren | Research Center for Fisheries | Indonesia | Fisheries scientist with more than 13 years of research experience in biology, stock assessment and management for small-scale fisheries (crustaceans, reef fish, cephalopods). In the last five years, involved as the scientific committee/advisor to support sustainable fisheries management as well as FIP in various fisheries in Indonesia. Language: English and Bahasa. |
Ahasan Habib | Universiti Malaysia Terengganu | Malaysia | Marine fisheries scientist with strong fisheries management and conservation background. Possess experience in scientific research in stock assessment and sustainability of stock, biodiversity, and sustainable fisheries management. Have a strong track record of publications, project management, and working with different government agencies. Based in Malaysia. Language: English, Bahasa Malaysia, Bengali. |
Kun Xing | Dalian Ocean University | China | PhD in Marine Biology with 15 years of working experience in ecological risk assessment, the first 5 years as a hatchery manager, and then involved with the FTP in Iceland and visiting researchers at the University of Maryland. Full spectrum knowledge of benthos and extensive studies on the estuary and pelagic environments. Native in Mandarin, working language in English, basic Russian. |
Yuliesky Garcés-Rodríguez | SmartFish Rescate de Valor, AC | Mexico | Has 15 years of experience in sustainable marine fisheries management and development of data sampling programs and scientific advice. FIPs coordinator and involved in implementing MSC standards (evaluations and work plan). Development of socio-environmental tools to improve the sustainability of fisheries. HRSR Consultant. Language: Spanish (native) and English. La Paz, Mexico. |
Kandiyas Kurniawan | PT. Cassanatama Naturindo | Indonesia | Since 2020, I have been actively involved with small-scale fisheries and local fishing communities, focusing on the sustainable management of resources. My work emphasizes optimizing resource use and ensuring long-term ecological balance, all while aligning with MSC standards to support sustainable fishing practices and community resilience. |
Timotius Defry | PT. Sekar Laut, Tbk | Indonesia | With a background in the food industry, I manage quality systems and drive sustainable seafood initiatives. Since 2017, I have led FIP projects, optimizing resource use and ensuring MSC compliance. As an SRA assessor, I oversee social responsibility efforts, fostering resilience in fishing communities. |
Kim Thanh Nguyen | Kim Delta Vietnam | Vietnam | Experienced in engaging a wide range of stakeholders across the seafood value chain, I am well-versed in the unique challenges facing tropical multispecies fisheries and the necessary steps to address them effectively. Most notably, I am the Founder of Kim Delta Vietnam, leading the initiation and coordination of the Vietnam mixed-species trawl project |
Technical consultants register disclaimer
This information is provided as a resource only; the inclusion of individuals or organisations in this list does not constitute endorsement by the MSC or by Assurance Services International (ASI). MSC includes consultants in this list upon receiving statements of experience provided by consultants, where such experience at face value meets the requirements outlined in the MSC's Technical Consultants Requirement document, where such consultants have signed up to the Code of Good Practice and where such consultants have provided references satisfactory to the MSC.
The MSC does not carry out further checks to ascertain the expertise of such consultants. Anyone engaging a consultant from this list must satisfy themselves that the consultant is suitable for their particular purpose. Neither the MSC nor ASI accepts any duty of care to anyone using this list. Neither MSC nor ASI will have any liability to any party in respect of performance or suitability of any consultant or in relation to any failure by a consultant to adhere to the Code of Good Practice. Consultants provide Fisheries Improvement services as independent contractors.
How do I become a technical consultant?
If you are a fisheries expert with experience in implementing fishery improvements, you may be eligible to apply to be listed on the MSC technical consultants register.Depending on your level of practical experience in the application of the MSC Fisheries Standard, you will be listed as either a full or associate consultant.
Can I apply?
To apply to be listed as a technical consultant you should either have:
• a degree in fisheries, marine conservation biology or a related field, or
• at least 3 years’ experience in marine conservation biology, fisheries, natural resources or environmental management.
The academic and/or work experience should cover at least one of the following areas of fishery expertise:
• fish stock assessment
• biology/ecology
• fishing impacts on aquatic ecosystems
• fishery management and operations.
You must demonstrate an excellent understanding of the MSC Fisheries Standard and provide evidence of experience in stakeholder facilitation and project management. Applicants must provide a log of fisheries related project work over the last 3 years.
All applications are subject to review by internal and external expert panels.
How can I apply?
If you're interested in applying please read the full requirements and guidance. If you meet the eligibility criteria and would like to submit an application, please email the Global Accessibility team.
Code of Good Practice
All successful applicants will be expected to sign the Code of Good Practice for technical consultants.
Find out more

Fishery Improvement Projects
The MSC recognises the important contribution that Fishery Improvement Projects can make to improving overall fisheries health and in promoting sustainable seafood.

Fishery improvement tools
The MSC has several improvement tools to support the progress of fisheries towards MSC certification.

The MSC Fisheries Standard
The Fisheries Standard measures the sustainability of wild-capture fisheries. The Standard is open to all wild-capture fisheries, including those from the developing world.